
Super Charge Your Business Intentions During These
Virtual Gratitude & Growth Parties

Choose Your Prefered Time/Date


Tuesday March 1st
7pm Central European Time


Thursday March 3rd
3pm Central European Time


Calling My Fellow Mission-driven Entrepreneur,
Coach, Business Owner or Transformational Leader...

Choose Your Prefered Time/Date


Tuesday March 1st
7pm Central European Time


Thursday March 3rd
3pm Central European Time


Exciting News for my Fellow mission-driven entrepreneur, coach, 
online business owner or transformational leader...

In the spirit of paying it forward and supporting others as we work to create a better world, I’ll be hosting 2 free Virtual Gratitude and Growth Parties (G&G) next week!
These events will be samples, and all about:
Gratitude and Growth is all about connection and helping and supporting one another.
It’s an opportunity to meet some awesome people who will elevate your mind and your business while helping you gain clarity and accountability.
These events are designed for mission driven, heart centered coaches, consultants and course creators who want to create the unstoppable mindset and energy so they can focus on what truly makes their hearts sing.
During these free Virtual Gratitude and Growth Parties you’ll connect with other like minded entrepreneurs - and you'll be cheering each other on - and supercharging each other's business Intentions.
This energizes your own intentions even more and allows your intentions to manifest with ease, speed, and grace.
Being an online entrepreneur can be lonely, and we never do our best work in isolation. It takes a village to build a profitable and sustainable business, and in these tough times, everyone could use a little extra support right now.

The friendships and connections formed in these events will be priceless, and your contributions can make a real difference for others who might be struggling.

During the gratitude and growth sessions the goal is to gather together to help each other:
The G&G is like having your own energy group, where only good vibes are allowed, and where you can help focus and bond with other like minded online entrepreneurs who are there to serve and support you with no hidden agenda...and helping others is the best way to form real connections.
 So what's the catch?
Only positive people need apply!
This is all about serving YOU in an effort to create a better world online!

Your G&G sessions will give you tremendous support and energy in supercharging your Business Intentions and helping you live your best life.

Choose the Tuesday or Thursday session below!

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